Wednesday, 18 May 2011

When your desktop reflects your life...

I have been busy writing away to hand in my final papers for the academic year! I have actually been using two browsers due to the overwhelming amount amount of websites I have open.I doubt this is the most exciting thing you've read all day, but hey thats life!

Monday, 9 May 2011

Johnny Depp

I was walking by Bond Street and saw Johnny Depp talking on the phone and walking by himself. He was wearing his silver rings and had a tan because he has been filming in the carribean recently. I really could not believe that my life long dream out of 3 had come true. He crossed the road and I did not really know what to do. Anyway, he has a premiere on thursday so he is around London and it was not just a mirage.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Absinthe and the Moulin Rouge

Midnight Lovers by Unknown
An Absinthe drinker by Pablo Picasso
Just came across an artical on the BBC website about france legelizing Absinthe after being banned for about a 100 years! It's quite funny because I'm about to watch Moulin Rouge for an essay I have to write. 
Absinthe's heyday was in the mid-to-late 1800s.Artists would hang out in the Parisian cafes to escape the chill of their studios, and a whole social scene developed around the drink, which was nicknamed la fee verte, meaning the green fairy.The green, anise-flavoured spirit is associated with many of the country's most famous and esteemed artists and writers - like Edouard Manet, Edgar Degas, Henri de Toulouse Lautrec and Paul Verlaine - but it was banned in France in 1915 for its alleged harmful effect.well not anymore

If I could go back in time, I would have live in Paris in the 18th century in a little studio with a little balcony drinking my absinthe and hanging out with the Artists. My great grandad was around in paris at that time I wonder what he was up to.

Moulin Rouge by Baz Lurhmann  is set in this era and Absinthe drinking is featured in the film. My essay will be about how the film jumps through various genres and has modern,post-modern  and classical hollywood influences. You gotta love it!! Oneeeee dayyyy I'lll flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy awaaaaaaay...

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

When you get angry...

Listen to Mondkopf!!
He is a Dj/Producer I came across in paris a few years ago on my birthday. I really really liked his set and then fell in love with his music. I think he is a really talented musician who is much better than most "DJ'S" who spin the decks for us these days. Go for it take the anger out! I know i will :)

Alice-photos by me

Monday, 2 May 2011

Virgin Film Competition

Helloooooooo Film-makers! Virgin media are hosting their annual competition. The hand in deadline is on 12pm , 7th of July. For further info- GO TO THEIR SITE. The prizes are big!

I love this one! :)